Sunday, December 29, 2019

Overview of South African Public Management - 2359 Words

Introduction Decision making is most important in matters of administration because leaders have to consult widely among experts before coming up with a decision that will enable the best possible conclusion to be made. In administrative circumstances, in such countries as South Africa, it has been found that it is necessary for the public manager to identify and make a definition of the problem so that he knows who and what his decision is going to affect. Moreover, the answers to the problem identified should be well structured so that they can adequately cover the circumstances surrounding the problem hence an accurate decision been made to solve it. Disaggregation The South African government has ensured that thorough†¦show more content†¦The South African government has attempted to delegate the functions of punishment to private companies such as G4S not only with the intention of relieving itself of the burden, but also ensuring that these companies remain accountable to the public (Lynn, 1998). While this has been the case, there has developed a need to ensure that these private entities are indeed performing the functions that have been delegated to them with as much diligence as would have the government. This has created a situation where studies have to be carried out so with the aim of establishing how the contractual relationship between private prisons and the government, relating to how the formation, maintenance and other aspects of the prisons are worked out between them. When dealing with the formation, the expectations of the private institution as well as those of the government concerning what the prison’s management will require are considered so that it is known how the prison will be developed as well as how it will be staffed (Den Heyer, 2011). The maintenance of the prison has been outlined as the affairs which will be involved in the daily running of the prison as well as the establishment of the definitions of how the prisoners will relate to each other as well as how they will relate with the members ofShow MoreRelatedSouth Afric A Vast History Of Colonialism, Migration, And Migration1605 Words   |  7 PagesOverview: South Africa has a vast history of colonialism, migration and emigration, racial and gender segregation, epidemics, income inequality and extreme violence that has intrinsically affected and shaped the Healthcare System (South Africa Info, 2015). The apartheid is a major contributor of the problematic health system. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Methodological Critique of Foreign Direct Investment in...

Many writers have tried to figure out if there is a direct link between Foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth of an economy in terms of Gross domestic product (GDP) but a reliable procedure hasn’t been found yet. Sharma (2008) tends to assume that if more investments take place in developing Countries then there will be an augmenting effect on the economy and likewise if there is little or no FDI then there will be a growth retarding effect. The first part of the paper tries to see what other authors have to say though we have limited articles regarding Foreign direct investment and economic growth if it has a positive or negative effect, the second part tries to see the methodology used and the final part is based on how†¦show more content†¦It included variables such as GDP, per capita income, GDP growth rate, FDI, inflation rate etc. from 66 developing Countries over the last three decades and their results suggest that FDI, trade, human capital and domestic investment are important sources of economic growth for developing Countries and they find a strong positive interaction between FDI in advancing economic growth and their results also show that FDI stimulates domestic investment and the contribution of FDI to economic growth is enhanced by its positive interaction with human capital and sound macro-economic policies and institutional stability. The model it used was based on endogenous growth theory whic h implies that FDI can affect growth endogenously if it generates increasing returns in production via externalities and spillover effects. Duttaray, Dutt and Mukhopadhyay (2008) examined the causality between FDI and economic growth for 66 developing Countries, taking into account their interaction with exports and technological change and they also conducted time series analysis which is for testing Granger causality in the presence of non stationary time series for each Country and the main findings of this article are that FDI causes growth in several developing Countries but the mechanism through which this works differs across Countries and reverse causality from growth to FDI exists for many Countries. All data used wasShow MoreRelatedThe Nature and Role of the Entrepreneur Essay2031 Words   |  9 Pagesto the company. Schumpeter and Knight had some similar points in their conceptualization of an entrepreneur. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Writing Dissertation Proposal Free Essays

How to Write your Dissertation Proposal There are certain requirements on how to structure and write your dissertation proposal , including the chapters, number of sources, research development, and literature review. When you first get your dissertation proposal details from your professor, you might be confused on where to start. Below, you will find an easy to follow guide by our site experts on how to develop ideas, do your research, and write the chapters of your proposal. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing Dissertation Proposal or any similar topic only for you Order Now While the general guide will help you through the process, you should always consult with your tutor or support staff if you are unsure about something. What is a Dissertation Proposal? A dissertation proposal is the first step on your long journey of completing your dissertation: once the proposal is accepted, the hard work begins, and you will need to deliver the completed dissertation in a given timescale. A dissertation proposal is there to show your tutors what you would like to cover in your final paper, and present your knowledge of the topic you have chosen for your dissertation. A dissertation proposal is also your aid to plan the research of your final paper. Tips on Writing Your Dissertation Your dissertation proposal is important because it helps communicate your plan for the dissertation and show your research to your university. It has to be submitted within a given deadline, and needs to be the foundation of your final dissertation. You must get your dissertation proposal accepted by your university before you start working on the final dissertation. Handing this paper in on time will help you get feedback on your topic, sources, and get your final dissertation right. Always wait for feedback and criticism from your tutor before you start writing the final paper. You need to remember that structure of a research proposal is particular to this format, and it should not be structured as an essay or research paper. It needs to highlight the gap in current research and show your competence in the subject area you want to write your final dissertation in. In this paper, you will not need to prove a thesis, or answer research questions, but have to develop them and get them approved by your tutor. The research proposal needs to show the structure of your argument, fit it in the current research literature, show how you are approaching your future research, and provide a detailed methodology structure. It is important that you justify your choice of topic and show how it will contribute towards the knowledge of researchers and industry players in your research area. Eight Steps of Writing Your Dissertation Proposal Develop topics that interest you and investigate them. Make sure that there is enough data, literature, and information available on the subject for you to write your dissertation on. Choose your topic based on your interest, previous research, and suggestions from your tutor. If you have regular meetings and consultations with your professor, you can present multiple research areas and get one approved before you would start writing your dissertation proposal. Ask specific questions about your dissertation proposal structure. Every college and university have their own specific formatting and structure guides, and getting to know them early will save you a lot of time and effort. Start researching the literature. Make sure that you develop a list of sources and obtain copies of related journals and books before you write your dissertation proposal. You might find that some books have limited availability, or you need an academic journal subscription to obtain them. Develop your main ideas based on the literature you researched. This might be the time when you narrow down your topic to a more specific area, and create your ideas. For example, if you chose the topic of â€Å"employee satisfaction†, you might want to research only financial firms that have more than 500 employees. Check that your topic is unique. Once you have your main ideas developed, it is important to make sure that your research will be unique, and provide new information for other researchers in your field. Develop your research questions and purpose. Once you have clarified the research questions and purpose, you have to talk to your supervisor to make sure they approve your dissertation topic. Develop your dissertation proposal. Write an outline and get it approved before you would submit this to your tutor. Make sure that your selected methodology is feasible and clear. Your Dissertation Proposal Outline The main parts of your dissertation proposal outline need to include the information that you want to cover in the following chapters: Introduction Literature review Methodology Conclusion What to Include In Your Dissertation Proposal? Apart from the above main chapters, it is also important to have a time chart or dissertation proposal timeline, providing a schedule of the work you are planning to complete. In the Introduction chapter, you need to include the introduction of the study, organisation of the research, problem statement, research objective, and the outline of the dissertation research proposal. In the Literature Review, you need an introduction, the main literature review, summary, and the fully developed research question. In the Methodology chapter, you will have to state your research philosophy, research approach, and research strategy. Further, you need to show your data collection and analysis plan, followed by information on access, reliability, validity, ethical issues, and research limitations. The conclusion needs to summarise the topic and the current literature, as well as the justification of undertaking the research. Your time chart has to show the important steps and their proposed completion date. Need Help with Your Dissertation Proposal? If you don’t know where to start writing your dissertation proposal, or need to clarify the structure, you need to contact your tutor or supervisor first. Every institution has unique requirements for dissertation proposal structure. If you find it hard to select a topic that will be approved by your tutor, you can always get in touch with the experienced academic writers at our site for help. 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